Con TM - Heavy Duty Rubber ESD Table Matting.
Premium mechanical and electrical performance. |
Con TM Elite - 2-LAYER High Temperature
Rubber ESD Matting. Premium mechanical and electrical
performance. |
Cushion - 3-LAYER Vinyl
ESD Matting. Excellent ESD elimination for all sensitive
areas |
Cushion Elite - 2-LAYER
Vinyl ESD Matting. Excellent ESD elimination for all sensitive
areas |
Cushion Elite Plus - 3-LAYER
Vinyl ESD Matting. Excellent ESD elimination for all sensitive
areas |
DuroStat - Homogenous
Vinyl ESD Matting. Dissipative & highly durable ESD dissipation
for all sensitive areas |
DuroStat Elite - Homogenous
Vinyl ESD Matting. Dissipative & highly durable ESD dissipation
for all sensitive areas |
DuroStat Elite
Plus - 3 - Layer
Homogenous Vinyl ESD Matting. Dissipative & highly
durable ESD dissipation for all sensitive areas |
Ultra-Purpose - 2-LAYER
Vinyl ESD Matting. Dissipative & cost effective ESD solution
for all sensitive areas |
Table Matting -Durable
polyethylene material for high traffic areas. Resists acids
and alkali solutions and is humidity independent
ESD and Static
Control mats for work bench tops and tables are a dependable
method of controlling static in the electronic assembly environment.
We offer a full selection of ESD matting materials for use
in bench top coverings and flooring runners. Available in
both Bulk Form (rolls) or Custom Cut esd mats that meet your
size requirements. Our "custom cuts" include all
grounding hardware, peel and stick adhesive (so your mats
won't slide around) and can be configured with our static
control constant monitors. But best of all no wasted material,
hassles or cut fingers. |