Constant ESD Monitors - Wrist and Heel Strap Testing and Monitoring

ESD MonitorsCM-9201, Single Wrist Strap Monitor

ESD MonitorsCM-9202, Single Wrist Strap Monitor and Table Top Constant Monitor

ESD MonitorsCM-9203, Dual Wrist Straps & Work Surface Monitor

About our ESD Wrist Strap and Heel Strap Testers

Reliable, constant esd ground monitoring at the ESD workstation is critical. Unlike static control monitors that require expensive, fragile, dual conductor wrist strap cords (and provide a pulsed verification a mere 10% of the time) our monitors provide 100% continuous readings and do not require special wrist straps. Per ANSI/ESD S.2020; "Test equipment shall be selected to make measurements of appropriate properties of the technical requirements that are incorporated into an ESD Program Plan." 

Testing and logging wrist straps and table top material with non-constant test equipment often becomes a cumbersome paperwork nightmare. Use of our continuous monitors continuously verifies the effectiveness of you ESD protected workstation and simultaneously satisfies ISO logging requirements. Designed to reduce cumbersome logging, save money and fit the requirements of the most stringent of ESD Programs, our dependable ESD monitors provide verification of a single wrist strap (model 9201), a single wrist strap AND ESD conductive table top mat (model 9202) or DUAL wrist straps AND a ESD conductive table top mat.

ESD Mats

Homogenous ESD Matting

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DuroStat Elite - Homogenous Vinyl ESD Matting

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Stop ESD provides affordable grounding solutions for electronics manufacturing and assembly areas

StopESD: Direct: 719-676-2512 | Fax: 719- 676- 2549

© 2009