Why Use an ESD Floor Finish?

ESD floor finish can provide protection and extend the life of your static control floor !

ESD floor finish can provide protection and extend the life of your static control floor !


Like you, an esd floor works hard for it's living.  Unlike you (we hope), ESD flooring needs to perform flawlessly often 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Conventional wisdom from the esd flooring material manufacturers dictate that their materials do not require (in fact they do not recommend) using any type of floor finish.

Unfortunately this outdated conventional wisdom hasn't had to maintain a floor in a real working environment!

Past reasons for not using an esd floor finish primarily focused on the somewhat large increase in resistance levels that many of the older formulations achieved. Newer formulations aretailored to provide resistance levels compliant with the latest EOS ESD 2020 guidlines, providing only marginal decreases in conductivity and (generally speaking) only providing these decreases to flooring materials that startout in the conductive range (<10E06 RTG per S7.1). Note:  many floors falling in the higher static dissipative ranges (between 10E07 and 10E09) will actually achieve an increase in conductivity.

Expect a Reduction in Tribocharging

Interestingly enough both conductivity ranges (when coated with some floor finishes) benefit from a reduction in Tribocharging.

Reductions in tribocharging (as well as increases in the floor finishes conductivity )are further enhanced by high speed polishing of the finish. It's important to note that modifications to the floors conductivity will be minimal under the higher ambient relative humidity conditions prevalent in many manufacturing environments, therefore it's best to fully evaluate several choices in your environment under your operating and load conditions. Check your specifications than test your floors electrical conductivity prior to applying small 2'x2' test patches.  Apply the finishes according to manufacturers recommendations in area's that receive the most abuse possible. Evaluate the products for visual performance against wear, electrical conductivity and ease of application. Remember "all static control floor finishes are not created equal" (contrary to what your local floor maintenance supplier may tell you).  Thorough evaluation and the right product will yield dramatic results.

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